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Klinik für Psychische Gesundheit

Personalised and Innovative Mental Health Research

Personalized Mental Health Research, referring to the selection of a treatment best suited for an individual patient, involves the integration and translation into clinical practice of several new technologies from a range of fields such as neuroscience, genomics, deep clinical phenotyping, measurement-based assessments, and bioinformatics. The scope is much broader than indicated by the terms “genomic” or “precision psychiatry,” as many nongenomic factors are taken into consideration in developing personalized psychiatry. In addition, despite considerable advances that have taken place in molecular biology and biotechnology, fields that form the basis for personalized mental health, personalized mental health still requires much development to become a viable clinical option.

The concept of personalized mental health that forms the basis of research in the Department and beyond brings the four pillars of personalized medicine to the field of Mental Health: Prevention, Prediction, Personalization, and Participation. With this approach, the fundamental research and clinical questions and requirements for personalized mental health will be addressed from a research as well as a clinical perspective.

The research approach includes methodologies and their extensive development in basic science methodologies (e.g., genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics), systems biology, bioinformatics, and prediction modelling as well as innovative clinical trials and complex and digitalised phenotypic underpinnings in regard to clinical disease and response to treatment relevant for personalized mental health.

Theme and Objectives

The main objective of this research section is to provide a scientific basis for personalised and stratified innovative treatment based on multimodal biologically and clinially validated diagnostic and treatment outcome and disease course related research data. This research will offer novel insights into how patients can be best suited to treatments. The research aims to improve real world outcomes of patients.


  • Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Baune
  • Dr. med. Erhan Kavakbasi
  • Dr. rer. nat. Silke Joergens
  • Hildegard Stücker
  • Sarah Fromme
  • Isabelle Stickdorn
  • Dr. Julie Morgan
  • Emma Sampson


  1. Digitalised Diagnotics and indicated Treatments
    • Digitalisied assessment of multimodla subjective and objektive clinical and biological patient data
  2. Prediction und stratification research
    • Multimodal modelling (e.g. machine learning, fuzzy logic) to investigate response patterns to pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions and course of disease
    • ECNP-TWG: Systems biological analyses and modelling to stratify patients and their response to treatment
  3. Personalised randomised clinical Studies
    • PREDDICT - study
    • CERT-D - study
  4. Immune-modulatory interventions
    • Anti-inflammatory interventions
    • Biological and clinical analysis of immune-modulatory substances, e.g. in the EU-funded study MOODSTRATIFICATION
  5. Neurostimulation
    • Studies on the effectiveness and side-effects of various brain stimulation techniques to treat and modifiy emotional, cognitive and psychotic psychopathhology
    • Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
    • Restore-LIFE Study
    • MEG-Studies to identify neurobiological correlates of various brain stimulation techniques (VNS, tDCS, rTMS, EKT)
    • Genomics of ECT-Response (GenECT-ic – International Consortium)
  6. Innovative Pharmacological Clinical Research
    • Ketamine
    • KADS - study
    • KYDS - study
  7. Psychotherapeutic and behavioural research
    • Physical activity
    • Psychotherapy research with chronically affected patients with mood and psychotic disorders
    • Disease / diagnosis specific psychotherapy research
    • Functionally oriented Psychotherapy
    • Cognitive and emotional intervention research to change psychosocial functional outcomes
  8. Treatment priorities and outcomes research
    • Analysis of shared decision making models of defining treatment priorities and outcomes and their evaluation between patients and professionals in mental health (physicians, psychologist, other therapists)

Current funding

  • intramural funding support

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Baune, MPH, MBA, FRANZCP
Tel.: +49 (0) 251 / 83-56664
E-Mail: bernhard.baune(at)­ukmuenster(dot)­de

Administration assistance:
Mrs. K. Ulrich
Mrs. D. Heil
Tel.: +49 (0)251 / 83-56664
Tel.: +49 (0) 251 / 83-58641
Fax: +49 (0)251 / 83-56988
E-Mail: Kerstin.Ulrich(at)­ukmuenster(dot)­de
E-Mail: Daniela.Heil(at)­ukmuenster(dot)­de