Observational Study to Evaluate the Epidemiology of Surgical-induced Acute Kidney Injury

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In brief, the evaluation of an accurate occurrence rate for AKI is of great importance for health policy, quality initiatives as well as for designing clinical trials.

The primary objective of EPIS-AKI is to prospectively evaluate the incidence of AKI within 72 hours after extended surgical procedures that require admission to an observation respectively intensive care unit.


Current number of registered patients

in 28 participating countries
Patient registration competed. Now data completition.


Bureau of Clinical Investigations

Department for Anesthesiology,
Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
University Hospital Münster

Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1
Complex A1

48149 Münster - Germany

T: + 49 251 83-47282
F: + 49 251 83-40501
